Wednesday 28 September 2022

Tick, tick, tick...

I've done a lot of reading over the pandemic, and I don't expect that to change much going forward. Reason being that I am now old (63), and can't really play sports anymore - other than golf - and I mostly work from home. Reading is now a thing I do every day, but only at lunch time and before bed - I occasionally sit down a read for a few hours, but that's not really part of the pattern. 

Anyway, over the pandemic and since then, I have read 31 books. Seems impressive, but really that's only 31 books in 30 months; so one book a month. I'm 63. Maybe I'll live to 73, but I think that might be a bit optimistic. Based on that, I have probably 120 books left in me, tops. Frig; I think I have that many unread books in my office right now, and another 50 or so in my "wanted books" list. Frig.