Thursday 15 September 2011

Cool galaxy observations

Interesting article here:  (Even Low-MAss Galaxies Can Harbor Supermassive Black Holes).
Sometime in 1979 while gazing at the poster of the Andromeda galaxy in my bedroom, it suddenly dawned on me that a spiral galaxy looks something like water going down a drain. Water went down the drain; matter goes down the black hole "drain." Seemed pretty obvoius at the time. Now it looks like that most, or evan all galaxies contain central "feeding" black holes. To take it a step further, eventually all galaxies will gobble up thier matter, until there's nothing left but black holes. What next? Black holes moving away from eachother forever? Or finally attracting eachother, and combining into one single super-duper-massive black hole? Maybe that event causes a recurring big bang?

Yeah, maybe too simplistic.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Sept 6 2011 visit to the Kanata Cruise Night show

My first September visit to the Kanata Cruise Night show. Just a note that proceeds go to CHEO, and the weekly event is attended by the Ottawa Fire Department- they cook up hot dogs there. Don Cherry's also welcomes visitors. This week was a quick visit, and once again, I had only my Android cell phone camera.
I know folks like to show off their engines, and it is cool to see them, but IMHO, the open hood ruins the look of the car. You don't get to see the awesome lines of some of these gorgeous cars in their full glory. Just a personal peeve of mine.

First image is of a cool Cutlass that I have seen there once before this year. It's a 69, and it's in great shape. Had to show two of this one... :-)

Next one is a bizarre Lotus thing- I'm not sure if this is real, or if it is a kit car. Likely a customized kit car. You decide:

Next up an old Chevvy Suburban, 1965(?):

And an early 60's Chevvy II (I think a '66):

And a 53 Buick Roadmaster V8: 

And finally, another old Buick Roadmaster; a '38:

Soon, I'll have some better photos from a July show- pics using my Nikon DSLR. Also, some pics from an awesome museum I visited earlier in the year in Fort Myers, Florida. And of course, some more pics from the next Kanata Cruise Night!

Monday 5 September 2011

Another trip to the Kanata Car show...

Well, took another trip to the Kanata Car Show last Tuesday- and took some more photos of the cars. Last week saw an big presence of British cars, but not the one that I wanted. Some great cars there, and I took a few pics before the rain started all the engines up....
Here was a pretty nifty 1982 Cutlass:

And a big bad Olds Delta 88, an '83 I think:

Here's a way cool Chevelle; looks like a '68 I think:

And a real old British Morris Oxford, I think:

And a pretty awesome looking Jaguar, maybe an early 60's E-type? Whatever it is, it sure is sharp!!

Here's a jag more to my way of thinking though: a big blown American V-8!!
(The suspension would be useful for pulling an RV trailer!!)
An early 60's Pontiac Parisienne :

And a 68 Ford Galaxie 500:

And finally a Mercury Cougar from 1969:

As always, a fun evening at the Kanata Cruise Night!!!
Hopefully, I'll be at a few more this year.