Monday 24 October 2011

WikiLeaks: Worth another look?

This bugs me: Wikileaks Claims Bank Blockade.

If true, this is very disturbing. Who were the types of people that were most bothered by WikiLeaks? Government and financial institutions. Now, there didn’t seem to be anything noble about WikiLeaks, especially based on the press that they received months ago. But the best way to shut up an annoying person is to discredit them, and point out where they have gone wrong in an unbiased manner. In that way, the “reasonable man” will likely stop paying attention to the discredited--in fact, in most cases this is exactly what happens; interest wanes quickly until there is no interest at all. However, if you force someone out of business, by using your influence or financial clout, one has to wonder why you’re stooping to this. Why try to accelerate the demise of a discredited party? Is there something true in the WikiLeaks rhetoric? This coordinated effort makes me think that there’s something to see there... Maybe we should all be taking a second look? 
Or maybe even donate?

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