Sunday 18 November 2012

Blast/og from the past

Stumbled on an article in AsymulAttenhdat's blog about an artist that I liked in 1980- Lena Lovich.

Certainly brought back some memories, and initiated an immediate visit to my CD rack, and to ensure that it's all on my iPod. It also prompted me to check out the CD of Stateless that I bought many years ago, and fount that it was actually called "Stateless...Plus" -- had a few extra songs on it that I listened to (rather, am listening to now). Sure brings me back... I had quite a taste for those odd-ball artists like Lene Lovich, and Kate Bush. (Okay, and some more mainstream ones like Pat Benatar and Blondie's Debbie Harry). Some stand up better to the passing of time better than others.
Thanks AsylumAttendant!

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