Thursday 19 August 2021

A couple more books...

The Lost Fleet - Victorious

Campbell, J.

6th book of the series; Geary looks like he’ll be arrested by the senate because they’re afraid of his success. Instead, he gets promoted to Fleet Admiral, and gets approval to end the Syndic war, and to investigate the alien race. He beats the Syndics at their home system, travels the gate (wait…) encounters the “enigma” alien race, at the edge of Syndic space, figures out their deception, and deals them a sound beating. Goes home, gets the girl. So, what’s next…

Post Captain

O’Brian, P.

Second book in the Master and Commander series.
In and about 1802(?) Aubrey and Maturin fall for the same two women, causing jealousy, and even a duel - stopped by ship’s business (and then forgotten). Without a ship, and perhaps no possibilities, his accountant absconds with his money, right when his prize award was reversed - leaving him thousands of pounds in debt, and at risk of being nabbed for debtor’s prison. Finally able to land a command (of a horrible ship), manages to attack the French in harbour, and make away with a French vessel. 

His good work gets him on the good side of some at the Admiralty - he’s awarded post (full-time rank of Captain), and a temporary command of a crack frigate. Without Aubrey’s knowledge, Maturin gets him a spot on a squadron setting out on a big confrontation with the Spanish. (Maturin  is secretly a spy working for the Admiralty.) The squadron captures the Spanish, with great potential for prize money…

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