Sunday 28 August 2011

Spitzer get sued

Sad state of affairs. If someone poops in the bathtub, and you say that they pooped in the bathtub ( Then they just might sue you (, even if it’s very clear that you in fact did poop in the bathtub...

Few will deny that Spitzer has done some great work over many years in shedding the lights on impropriety in US high finance. Pretty depressing to see some uber-rich clown take exception to it, and seek suit against him for doing it. The guy gets off on a technicality, and goes right for the jugular. (Why didn’t OJ go after those libelous bastards at the Los Angeles County prosecutor's office?)

I guess we should just jolly well let privileged people take advantage of their positions. If we have something to say, we should just shut up about it. Or else.

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